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- Create Date October 28, 2024
- Last Updated October 28, 2024
Divorce And Child Behavior Among Single Parents In Kyeizoba Sub-County-Bushenyi District (issue 4)
The research topic was Divorce and Child Behavior Among Single Parents In Kyeizoba Sub-County-Bushenyi
District. The study considered three objectives that is, To find out the clear understanding of divorce in Kyeizooba
Sub County, To find out ways of improving child behavior in Kyeizooba sub-county and To establish the relationship
between divorce and child behavior in Kyeizooba Sub-county. The researcher began by extensively reviewing the
existing literature on divorce and its effects on child behavior and development, particularly among single-parent
households. This helped to identify the key variables of interest and develop hypotheses about the potential
relationships between divorce, single parenthood, and child behavior outcomes. Having established a conceptual
framework grounded in previous research, the next step was to determine the study design and method of data
collection. It was decided that a quantitative research approach utilizing a survey methodology would be most
appropriate to collect data from a large sample of participants. The population of interest was defined as primary
school-aged children between the ages of 6-12 years old living in single-parent households headed by either a divorced
or separated mother or father in Kyeizoba Sub-County. Probability sampling techniques were used to select a random
sample of 200 children meeting these criteria from the rosters of local primary schools. Informed consent was then
obtained from the parents of each selected child. A self-administered questionnaire was developed to measure key
variables like the child's age, gender, length of time since parental divorce or separation, relationship with the absent
parent, and aspects of the child's behavior and emotional functioning. The questionnaire utilized several standardized
scales that had been validated in prior research, including the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire to assess
behavior problems. It was pre-tested on a small sample to ensure the wording and scales were suitable and
understandable for parents in the local context. Trained research assistants were deployed to distribute and collect the
completed questionnaires from the parents over a one-month period. Basic demographic information was also
collected about the parents like education level, occupational status, and income. A high response rate of over 80%
was achieved. The collected data was coded, entered into SPSS software, and cleaned to address any issues of missing
values or inconsistencies. Appropriate statistical tests were then run to analyze relationships between variables,
including independent sample t-tests to compare behavior scores between groups. According to the study findings,
majority agreed that it is when the two couples separate (66%) and the least concluded that it is the end of marriage
(18 %). This showed that respondents understood what divorce is and it effect to the children and the society itself.
The community should be actively involved in decision making for any activity carried out by the church or civil
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