MJSER Volume 3 (2023) Published: 2023 Order By: Publish Date Title Update Date Downloads Views Order: Descending Ascending Apply Filter ENTREPRENEURIAL MOTIVATION, INNOVATION AND RESILIENCE AMONG TOURS AND TRAVEL ENTERPRISES IN KAMPALA (Issue 8) 165.78 KB 22 downloads The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial... Download IMPACT OF ADVERTISING ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR A CASE STUDY OF MBS (MIGADDE BLICK AND SONS) FRUIT AGENCIES LTD (Issue 8) 186.49 KB 15 downloads The study examined the effect of advertising on consumer buying behaviour using MBS... Download CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, PRODUCT INNOVATION, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND SHAREHOLDER’S VALUE. A CASE STUDY OF SELECTED CONSTRUCTION FIRMS IN KAMPALA 219.88 KB 60 downloads The study examined the relationship between corporate governance, product innovation,... Download EXAMINING THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATIC CHANGE PATTERNS ON TOURISM ACTIVITIES IN UGANDA. A CASE STUDY OF BUDUDA DISTRICT. (Issue 8) 169.27 KB 15 downloads The study focused on climatic change patterns and tourism activities in Budduda district.... Download ASSESSING OF THE IMPACT OF STOCK CONTROLS ON MANAGEMENT OF COSTS IN ORGANIZATIONS; A CASE STUDY OF MUKWANO GROUP OF COMPANIES (Issue 8) 292.64 KB 11 downloads The study aimed at assessing of the impact of stock controls on management of costs... Download CULTURAL TOURISM AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. ACASE STUDY MBALE CENTRAL UGANDA (Issue 8) 189.07 KB 15 downloads The study aimed at cultural tourism and community development and it was guided by... Download INFLUENCE OF EARLY MARRIAGES ON FEMALE STUDENT’S COMPLETION RATES, THE CASE OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS, BULANGA TOWN COUNCIL, LUUKA DISTRICT (Issue 8) 268.41 KB 14 downloads The study aimed at the influence of early marriages on female student’s completion rates,... Download INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE, A CASE STUDY OF POST BANK KAKIRI BRANCH (Issue 8) 200.67 KB 12 downloads The study sought to determine the effects of internal control system and organizational... Download THE IMPACT OF EARLY MARRIAGES ON GIRL CHILD EDUCATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS; A CASE STUDY OF BWAMBARA SECONDARY SCHOOL RUKUNGIRI DISTRICT (Issue 8) 228.79 KB 34 downloads The study aimed at the impact of early marriages on girl child education in secondary schools... Download PROCUREMENT PLANNING AND SERVICE DELIVERY IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT CASE STUDY OF ADJUMANI DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT (Issue 8) 157.84 KB 31 downloads This research studied the effect of procurement planning on service delivery in Local government,... Download 12…14151617